Giang Thi Thu Huyen
MSc (IT), BSc (IT)
Kết nối với tôi
Nguyen Van Vy and Phan Thanh Duc
Abstract—This article presents an overview of how to develop the web-based software to solve the automation of business process. The development process of software in this way is nearly similar to the formalization method rather than the traditional approach with all the steps: analysis, design, programming, testing, and evolution. Thanks to the advancement of the graphic identity that after specifying a business process with a visual graphical model, we can compile automatically the specifications into the source code....
Didier Caucal and Dinh Trong Hieu
Abstract. We describe a general decomposition mechanism to express the derivation relation of a word rewriting system R as the composition of a (regular) substitution followed by the derivation relation of a system R0 ∪ D, where R0 is a strict sub-system of R and D is the Dyck rewriting system. From this decomposition, we deduce that the system R (resp. R-1) preserves regular (resp. context-free) languages whenever R0 ∪ D does. From this we can deduce regularity and context-freeness preservation properties for a generalization of tagged bifix systems
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